A Personalized Approach to Shoulder and Elbow Care

Our orthopaedic shoulder and elbow specialists treat professional and college athletes, “weekend warriors” and people with disorders related to aging, overuse or accidents. From rotator cuff tears to shoulder and elbow arthritis, our team offers innovative diagnosis and treatment for both common and complex shoulder and elbow conditions.

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U.S. patients: 443-997-2663
International patients: +1-410-502-7683 or fill out a form.

Elbow Surgery | Michael's Story

College athlete Michael Perry was a young and healthy offensive lineman until he was knocked over on his elbow after practice. He immediately knew something was wrong. Johns Hopkins elbow specialists diagnosed Michael and discovered how serious his injury was.

Clinical Trials

Our researchers in the Shoulder and Elbow Division are recruiting participants for several clinical trials to help advance treatments and improve outcomes for patients with a variety of shoulder injuries and degenerative conditions. Clinical trial information is excerpted from www.clinicaltrials.gov.

A Post-Market, Prospective, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Single Arm Clinical Evaluation of the Integra TitanTM Modular Shoulder System 2.5 for Primary Shoulder Joint Replacement (IRB00169712)

Objective: To evaluate 2-year implant survivorship in subjects who receive the TSS-2.5 when used for primary shoulder arthroplasty.
Principle InvestigatorUmasuthan Srikumaran, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
Eligibility Criteria: Candidate for total shoulder arthroplasty
Contact: Sanjana Vattigunta (443-516-1550 or [email protected])
Learn more about this study.

Post-operative Pain Control Following Shoulder Surgery

Objective: Evaluate overall pain medication consumption following surgical treatment for shoulder pathology
Principle InvestigatorUmasuthan Srikumaran, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.
Eligibility Criteria: Opioid-naive adults age 18-90 years old planning to undergo surgical treatment for shoulder pathology with Dr. Uma Srikumaran
Contact: Sanjana Vattigunta (443-516-1550 or [email protected])

Hear from Our Experts

Our physicians know that when it comes to shoulder and elbow conditions, no two patients are the same. They take the time to understand your concerns and goals so that you can feel confident in your treatment plan.

Shoulder Injuries | Q&A with Dr. Edward McFarland

Rotator Cuff Injuries and Shoulder Pain | Q&A with Dr. Uma Srikumaran

Shoulder Replacement Options | Q&A with Dr. Edward McFarland